Point West Believes In You

Citizens of Point West,
We recognize in light of the recent election, many may be experiencing legitimate fear and uncertainty about what the future holds. To our members, our partners and our wider community, we state in no uncertain terms, Point West remains steadfast in its commitment to fostering strong, inclusive, and resilient communities, and in times of significant change, its warrants restating our enduring Declaration of Beliefs.
We recognize the importance of unity and collective growth, and we remain dedicated to ensuring our efforts reflect the diverse needs and aspirations of those we serve. By continuing to invest in local initiatives, advocating for the rights of the underserved, and promoting equitable opportunities for all, Point West will remain focused on empowering individuals and communities to thrive in years to come. Our unwavering dedication to these principles reaffirms our mission to be a force for positive change and progress.
Below, we’ve provided additional resources that demonstrate our continued commitment and provide opportunities for greater understanding and support of organizations committed to our shared principles.
We believe in an inclusive community. We believe in our people. We believe in you.
Amy Nelson, President/CEO
Point West Credit Union
Additional Resources
Juntos Avanzamos
We are proud to have earned the official designation for credit unions committed to serving and empowering Hispanic consumers.
Our Impact
See the organizations we support, how we’re involved in the community, and how you can participate.