A personal message from Point West Credit Union

We at Point West are heartbroken by the death of George Floyd and share in the pain our community has experienced and continues to experience, as well as communities nationwide. While we are understandably disappointed our location was damaged, we acknowledge and respect the anger and passion being demonstrated across the country.  We stand united with those calling for social justice and equity, and we remain committed to our mission of affordable, inclusive solutions for everyone who calls Point West their credit union.

We continue to wish you and your family good health during the ongoing pandemic and thank you for your membership here at Point West .

Point West esta desconsolado por la muerte de George Floyd y compartimos el dolor que nuestra comunidad ha experimentado y continúa experimentando, así como las comunidades de todo el país. Reconocemos y respetamos la ira y la pasión que se muestra en todo el país.

Estamos unidos con aquellos que piden justicia social y equidad, y seguimos comprometidos con nuestra misión de soluciones asequible e inclusivas para todos los que llaman a Point West su cooperativa de crédito. Seguimos deseándole a usted y a su familia buena salud durante la pandemia y le agradecemos su membresía Point West .


Signature of Amy Nelson

Amy Nelson, President/CEO

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