The Annual Meeting Is Tonight!

The Point West Annual Member Business Meeting will take place on:

Tuesday, April 17, 2018 at 6:45 PM (Doors at 6:30) at McMenamins Kennedy School “Jordan Room” (5736 NE 33rd Ave. Portland, OR 97211).  

Hear from your CEO and volunteer board of directors as they give you a clear view of our financial standing and what’s in store for 2018. As a member-owned cooperative, we’re proud to be governed by a board of dedicated volunteers directly elected by you, our loyal members. This year, we have two well-qualified nominees who have been vetted by our Board Nominations Committee, for the open board positions.

In accordance with our credit union bylaws, all nominees who are approved for election by the Nominations Committee, may be Elected by Acclamation at the Annual Meeting, if there is only one nominee for each vacancy. Election by Acclamation is defined as an oral vote of approval taken without formal ballot. No nominations shall be made from the floor at the Annual Meeting.

Anna Mar | Nominee – Board of Directors

Anna Mar refers to herself as an aspiring “bean-counter” with a true passion for spreadsheets, interest in databases, fixation on budgets, and strong analytical skills. As a first-generation immigrant to the United States, Anna was challenged by many obstacles she had to overcome to access financial services and build credit. Anna’s humility, compassion and passion for others facing these challenges is what aligns her with Point West’s mission; to serve the underserved and give back to the community. Anna earned her Associates of Science Oregon Transfer Degree in Business Administration from Mount Hood Community College, where she was also Director of Finance for the Associated Student Government, class valedictorian and on the Presidents Honor Roll. Anna currently attends Portland State University pursuing a Bachelor of Science degree in accounting. With 4.0 GPA and in the School of Business Honors Program, Anna will be graduating in June 2019. She plans to continue her education to earn a Master of Finance degree in 2020 and pursue a career as a Certified Public Accountant. In addition to her busy class schedule, Anna works as a Staff Accountant at a small CPA firm, where she expands on her accounting knowledge, and she interns at a business intelligence department of a global technology firm, where she is learning about big data analysis. She also occasionally works for WeLocalize, providing linguistic services, such as quality assessment and translations. Anna is fluent in both Polish and English. Anna’s story about her busy life as a student and working two jobs doesn’t end there. She is a mother of two little boys! In addition to all of this, Anna actively looks for ways to give back to the community and volunteers whenever the opportunity arises.

Mark Oliver | Nominee – Board of Directors

Mark Oliver has been providing financial capabilities services in Portland’s nonprofit sector for many years, which since 2011 has taken the form of teaching newly arrived immigrants how to build their credit and otherwise prosper in the context of the new financial system used in their adopted country. Currently, he is a program coordinator in the financial coaching and asset-building programs at Metropolitan Family Service, a social services agency that began “moving lives forward” in the Portland metro region in 1950. He helps speakers of Spanish, French, Indonesian and English build their credit in their native languages, and is a passionate believer that consumer rights protections and expansion of financial knowledge stand at the forefront of social justice issues in the United States these days. He has been a member of Point West Credit Union since learning that the credit union is a trend-setter in these same issues, in 2015.


We look forward to seeing you on April 17th!

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